Banking Services
We offer a number of services to our members and you'll find a list of the most common ones below. For other services not listed, simply contact any branch.
Stay up-to-date on your account activities with MemberDirect® Alerts.
We make it convenient and simple for you to pay your bills through a handful of different ways, just choose whichever works best for you.
Cheques may be used to pay for local services that don't accept digital payments, or as a safer alternative to cash. Drafts are a guaranteed payment, where the funds have been verified.
If you plan to travel or are returning from afar, we can exchange your currency for you. We support most worldwide currencies, just simply let us know what you need in advance.
Deposit cheques anytime, anywhere with Deposit Anywhere, available through our mobile banking app.
Most employers will deposit your paycheques right into your account. It's automatic, safe, and convenient, and usually done overnight, so once you wake up, you have your money!
If you or someone you know would like to learn how to use MemberDirect Online Banking, or simply need a computer to use, for example, to pay your bills online, we have a free-to-use station available at our Main Branch.
Just ask our receptionists or any member services representative about using the computer for your online banking needs
Unexpected events can stretch your money thin, especially when you are between paydays, sometimes putting you into an overdraft. If it does happen, save yourself the worry with overdraft protection. We'll be sure to help you get by from one payday to the next.
If you have some important keepsakes or documents, keep them safe and protected with one of our safety deposit boxes.
We make it easy for you to transfer money, either to yourself, other members or even non-members, worldwide.